Major - UEFN Matchmaking Errors and Confusing / Bugged Downloading %

This post covers matchmaking problems about:

    • The download % loading bar not showing for my UEFN map
    • % Not updating above the players head
    • Errors if the players cancels and ready’s up again
    • Absurd loading times causing confusion due to the above
    • Why this is impacting my islands negatively

1 & 2. The download % bar does not show when loading into my island and only shows above the players head and can sticks at 0% causing confusion (See Clip 1), especially when longer loading times are present. (On some occasions the above head % will stay at 100% and take over 2 mins to connect with no indication of when the player will join).

Clip 1 0% Bug & Absurd loading times

Here is a clip of what the download bar should look like for all UEFN map but it does not for mine.

Clip 2 A Normal UEFN loading bar

  1. Already Joined Error: if a player cancels the ready up, or another player joins that players party / lobby while they are readied up it will forcing it to auto cancel the ready up.
    Then when the lobby ready’s up again. It displays the Error “Already Joined this Session” as seen in Clip 3.

Clip 3 Already Joined this session error

  1. Absurd loading times. As shown in Clip 1 the loading time is 2mins+. This is not just me but players with above average wifi.
    My files sizes our:

Upload 16mb
Down 71.1mb

My project size image:

  1. This is all negatively impacting my UEFN creation. Players have reproted confusion on to what is happening with matchmaking. Without a clear indication on when they will connect to the island. They think there is a matchmaking problem and therefore cancel to re-ready up. Not knowing that when they do this they will get the “Already Joined to this Session”. After this they can’t ever connect to my island unless they restart there Fortnite or change server region. Therefore they choose not to play my map and move on.

Here is another example of 17mins of load times. This is still happening in 24.20

Just to confirm this is still happening in this weeks UEFN update.
Could this be to do with FAB assets?

The Mars map above i loaded into also uses fab assets.
My Map now only uses fab assets and one external audio file. I removed all my imported stuff to try and reduce the memory but sadly the errors still happen.
I have also removed any verse code.

Hey! By any chance have you managed to sort this out? My team and I are still seeing this frequently when trying to load our islands on console mostly.

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Nothing sadly, I gave up on it and moved onto a non fab asset project only. It’s sad to say but just avoid fab until we get an update :frowning: