Major - Insanely huge Level Bounds

So we’ve had this a couple times already where we have a small world but the Level Bounds are enormous.

As far as we know this also increases loading times and memory calculation times.

Not sure what causes this.

Here’s 2 pictures, one showing the size of the level, the other one showing the size of the bounds.

Size of the Level: 51168

Size of the Level Bounds: 8796093022208.0

Thats huge !!!

The only way I could get that them that big was to increase the scale an ocean

Any chance you have distant decorations (mountains, far-off buildings, etc.) that are navigation relevant?


Have you done a Landscape Build and looked at the performance warnings ?

No Landscape :slight_smile:

It’s not just for landscape, they need to call it Build Environment, it also spits out errors and stuff with props and devices, even if there is no landscape terrain.

I also have huge Level Bounds 13825536.0x3 while my playground area is less then 20000.0. Any advice on how to fix it?

After some testing, I got the same numbers 8796093022208.0 as @Rynex_FNC

To reproduce:

Create blank level

Go in Content Browser and select all FN devices

Drag them into level and Save All

Restart UEFN and reopen project

LevelBounds will be huge 8796093022208.0 x 8796093022208.0 x 8796093022208.0

After deleting all devices/actors and restarting UEFN again, LevelBounds stay massive.

I would like to know if huge LevelBounds like this can affect performance and should I delete them?

Did you try what @Hardcawcanary suggested?

Yep, I ran a Build Environment check and fixed all warnings, but the Level Bounds are still larger then my play area.

I would assume that is the absolute bounds limit,
8796093022208 is a neat number, divided by 512 then the answer divided by 512 a few times comes out to 128. It fits neatly into memory.
Being a volume the value is halved for location, so the X bounds values are +/- 4,398,046,511,104
which divided by 512 a few times comes out to 64

Check-in Changes and make a Snapshot just incase then either delete or manually change your Level Bounds Scale in the Outliner, first try the reset to default arrow to the right of the X,Y,Z values, if its there, just to see if it goes back to a normal value.

My current project has level bounds 8160000, 8160000, 160000… I think I either changed them ages ago to look neat or they are related to my ocean size which is 160000x160000.
160000 x 51 = 8160000

I don’t think the actual level bounds values would be a huge performance hit, mostly just empty void, but whatever is causing it to be this big may possibly be more of a worry.
Something, a possibly example could be an AI nav mesh with a bit that throws an infinite glitch ???

If you double click on the level bounds in the outliner it should make your PC groan a bit and zoom you out to look at the actor, maybe there is something else here other than your level bounds box.
Mine shows the level bounds box, the square plane of the ocean and a tiny dot in the middle where the island is.
Double click on anything else to zoom back in.

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For me issue was caused by some FN devices and even after deleting them, LevelBounds remained huge/broken.

Anyway I just found an easy fix if you have broken/don’t have level bounds:

Delete LevelBounds

Restart UEFN

Copy-Paste new LevelBounds into the level:

Begin Map
Begin Level
Begin Actor Class=/Script/Engine.LevelBounds Name= Archetype=“/Script/Engine.LevelBounds’/Script/Engine.Default__LevelBounds’” ActorFolderPath=“None” ExportPath=“/Script/Engine.LevelBounds’'”
Begin Object Class=/Script/Engine.BoxComponent Name=“BoxComponent” Archetype=“/Script/Engine.BoxComponent’/Script/Engine.Default__LevelBounds:BoxComponent’” ExportPath=“/Script/Engine.BoxComponent’'”
End Object
Begin Object Name=“BoxComponent0” ExportPath=“/Script/Engine.BoxComponent’'”
End Object
End Actor
End Level
Begin Surface
End Surface
End Map

LevelBounds should work now.

I also noticed that I don’t have them on my last map, but from what I read they aren’t really necessary/useful for small levels that have everything loaded.

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Oh cool, good work, thanks for the info.

It might only require a double click on the level thumbnail to reload the map instead of a restart, which works for deleting devices that were bound to others without getting a warning… but maybe not

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