The HUD Message Devices in my published island are now treating {instigatorname} as if it is {playername}, showing all players their own local username instead of the intended effect of all players seeing the name of the activator. This began happening as of v25.10
@Julianoz1224 Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative
I have the same issue across several maps. Was a bug report submitted? If not I’ll be happy to do it myself!
Can I ask you where I can find a list of available variable to use inside the HUD Message device ?
I thought there were none since I tried once and it just displayed the escaped string {playername}
Yeah don’t worry, I submitted one!
I believe {playername} and {instigatorname} are the only two, and I found them by hovering over the message text option in UEFN. The tooltip has their info
Has this problem been solved?
For me the local player names are displayed if I use {instigatorname}.
Hasn’t yet, hopefully the next update will fix it. I haven’t been able to find a workaround
Thanks for the reply. I’ll skip my killstreak message functionality for now.
This has now been fixed!