[MAJOR] ENGINE SCALABILITY SETTINGS: Bugged, Malfunctioning, Issue. Impacting Cross-Platform Cook Packaging Heavily Resulting in Crashes and Island Publishing Rejections by Reviewers

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



CONCLUSION: Cross-Platform game Scalability is bugged.

This has caused me to get a rejection publishing public map for FPS and crashing on Nintendo Switch.

MOBILE : Game plays perfect on mobile which is the same LOW Scalability Quality as Nintendo Switch.

NINTENDO SWITCH: Crashes and cant load the mobile version anymore but a mobile phone can run the game? That is where Epic has gone wrong. Nintendo switch is trying to run the ps4/Xbox Scalability cooked package. This is very frustrating and out of my control yet again. Just happens to always be me and my luck.


ESS scalability: I want to hide an asset in MEDIUM Scalability.

  • If the ESS and Detail Mode of an Asset Match, then the item will populate on the matching Engine Scalability Settings. Simple Right?!
    (Except this is not the case for “some” of the Engine Scalability Settings due to malfunctioning behavior).

Changes Made: I went into Asset Details, and changed detail mode to HIGH.
Changes Made: Engine Settings, and changed Engine Scalability to HIGH.
Nothing. Asset is invisible when it is supposed to be showing.
The assets are not showing in the selected Detail mode Matching the same Engine Scalability.

Here is a video of the malfunction between cross-platform in-game scalability.

Once I change to HIGH detail mode and HIGH engine scalability, they match, and should show up in game on xbox/ps5/pc… However, HIGH engine scalability is bugged and they are instead, invisible, not showing, and malfunctioning.

Steps to Reproduce

Select an Asset in the viewport. Go to details pane. Search “Detail Mode”.

Detail Mode: Select LOW.
Engine Scalability Settings: LOW
Asset is showing in viewport

Detail Mode: Select HIGH
Engine Scalability Settings: HIGH
Asset does not show in viewport with matching scalability settings, malfunctioning.

Expected Result

Nintendo Switch should not be running a HIGH QUALITY Cooked package, meant for XBOX, PS5, and PC. However, it is.
Nintendo Switch should be running MEDIUM QUALITY or LOW QUALITY, as it did before Epic Games “Fortnite” Update V29.40

The Nintendo Switch was stepping down to a MOBILE (LOW) QUALITY package a month ago and was working perfectly.

I have lost player count, and nobody can join my game, and the algorithm will not place the map on Discover which took a year of extremely hard work.
Maps like these should be rewarded for a years work and placed on discover as well. :slight_smile:

Observed Result

Published islands are not stepping down to a lower quality cooked package when publishing from UEFN using the Publishing Candidate option when uploading the map to the creator portal as a private version. It is packaging the game incorrectly and malfunctioning.


“GRADE A” Bug.



Island Code
