I have no idea how to repro, lighting is super complex and has a lot of things that affect it, but essentially I wanted to remove volumetric scattering from ambient lights (doesnt work with TODM enabled), then I went full on manual by disabling it, and that caused props that have light components to be completely different than any preview level or engine level that I had. All I did was add an env light rig (no skydomes Restarting Live edit client did not fix. I tried a ton of things, but I want to get development going so I am stopping here. I ll revert to my old setup and ideally wait for volumetric scattering to work with TODM on (more info: Normal - Volumetric scattering does not apply inside the game )
Here is how it looks in UEFN (I tried all scalability settings and render previews btw)
And how it looks in-game (all island settings are set to default btw)
EDIT: I did realize I had a day sequence device from the old setup, maybe it was causing the issues? I reverted now so I cant repro.