MAJOR - Custom Widget UI Buttons Compile Error

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Custom Widget UI Buttons always give compile errors if made after Update v27.00, and also are considered invalid, despite working perfectly fine before 27.00

Steps to Reproduce

Set up Modal Dialog Variant Widget Blueprint, then add Buttons, set up their View Bindings to trigger a Pop-up Dialog Device’s response button events, then it will give you a Compile Error

Expected Result

We would be able to use Custom Button UI Widgets without compile or validation errors

Observed Result

Attempting to compile gives errors and can’t enter live edit or use custom UI Buttons because of this



This is because of the new font that was added to Fortnite called “Heading Now”. I posted this on a similar topic. We currently do not have access to this font through UEFN which is why you are receiveing the error. As far as I know, this issue only occurs with “Quiet” buttons. Regular and Loud buttons still use the Burbank font, which means they shouldn’t cause any compiling errors.

Binding errors are also currently a bug. Despite getting binding errors outlined in red, your bindings are fine and will work perfectly in-game.

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Yeah saw your post and replies after I made this and made to sure to vote and everything. Also that all worked for me, thanks!

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