Since update 33.10, I believe, we’re able to expose assets such as textures, materials, particle systems and meshes in Verse editables.
Unfortunately, this functionality doesn’t work. Spawning particles doesn’t work with any Niagara effect. Using textures doesn’t work unless Fortnite native assets are used (so no custom textures), same for meshes and materials.
Attached, you’ll find two videos and two images for two different situations. The first situation shows the device with custom assets defined in the editables and the second situation shows the device when Fortnite assets are defined in the editables.
There is also a screenshot of the Verse code that illustrates what is happening. Basically, when I press the button, it’s supposed to spawn a particle system on the player, set the mesh of the ‘torus blueprint’ as the one exposed in the Verse device, apply the material, and display the texture on the player UI. I have also included some print statements, which are visible in the videos, confirming that these methods are being triggered.
As shown in the first situation (with custom assets), the image on the UI defaults to a “white square” instead of the one specified in the Verse device. The mesh and the material of the blueprint are not changed and the particle system doesn’t spawn.
In the second situation, when using Fortnite assets, everything works except for the particle system.
Please select what you are reporting on:
Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
Create a Verse device.
Create editables for a particle system, a texture, a material and a mesh.
Use some Verse to be able to use those editables (snippet attached)
Expected Result
Custom assets such as textures, materials, meshes, particle systems can be used and work via editables.
Observed Result
Custom assets such as textures, materials, meshes, particle systems can not be used and don’t work via editables.
Upload an image
Custom assets: EditablesWithCustomAssets.mp4 - Google Drive
Fortnite assets: EditablesWithFortniteAssets.mp4 - Google Drive
Additional Notes
If you have any other question, feel free to ask! I’d be glad to help.