Maintenance on the Epic Games GitHub Organization - June 2024

As you all noted in this thread, there’s a limitation on accessing forks of the Unreal Engine repo across organizations. To minimize further disruption to your access, we are going to revert the changes made to the mirrored org and add all current and future members to the original EpicGames org.This change to the invite flow will go into effect later this evening Eastern Daylight time. Users currently in EpicGames-Mirror-A will receive an invite to join the original EpicGames org. And will have full access to its repos, forks, and to submit PR’s.

For now, we will be exploring other avenues to support the continued growth of the community.

While we review alternative paths, in order to prevent performance impacts to the repo and continue providing access to active developers, we’ll be removing accounts with a year or more of inactivity beginning in July of 2024

Inactive accounts are those that have not been logged onto for more than a year, created a fork, or submitted a pull request on Github. If your account is removed due to inactivity, you can always rejoin the org and have full access to the UE repo whenever you are ready for development. To do this go to your Epic games account, and ensure your account is unlinked, then re-link to Github.

Thanks for your understanding.