Maintain Location and Pivot when Importing static meshes


When using Blender, I create a simple cube, cone and ring with the pivots at their respective centers and then offset each object from center of the blender scene in different directions. Now I export that as an FBX.

While importing it in to Unreal, I want the respective pivots to be at the center of each object but I also want the offset I set in my modelling program to be maintained.

This works in Unity when I import the fbx and drag it into the Hierarchy window (Not the Viewport/Scene Window), the objects show up with the same offset from the world origin and pivot at its own center, as it does in Blender.

How to do the same in Unreal??


Does anyone know?

Did you find the answer to this? I’m having the same problem …

Hi yes I have the same problem .I’ve tried all sort of options in the export or import settings .
This is crazy it works fine in Unity but not in unreal this is such a basic thing.
I did get it to work using datasmith with a datasmith plugin for blender.
But I want to do it in UEFN and there is no plugins for that