Magic Leap 2 Standalone Apps - Segmented Dimmer in Reverse

Hello Unreal!

I am curious if this can be investigated.
I have asked several times on their end over months, but ultimately they claim its something within Unreal.

The Magic Leap 2 Segmented Dimmer is inverted in a stand-alone app. It has nothing to do with materials, and modifying or inverting the post process material has no effect.

There is an internally hardcoded bug somewhere that makes the segmented dimmer inverted.

This is not the case when using OpenXR Remote Viewing with the Editor, but in a standalone app, any objects are transparent and the background is opaque.

The desired effect is the background is transparent and any objects are opaque.

I’ve been patiently waiting for a potential fix for about 6 months. I would really love to see this addressed as making Unreal based apps for the Magic Leap 2 is an incredible experience.

Thank you very much!