I have a macro that is meant to run on sublevels (that is, levels being streamed into a persistent world). It strangely generally works as it should in Play-In-Editor testing. However, if a change is made on a blueprint that is being referenced in this macro (in this case, BP_Box), the editor will crash with this error:
Blueprint Runtime Error: "Attempted to access missing property 'None_861982911'. If this is a packaged/cooked build, are you attempting to use an editor-only property?". Blueprint: L1a Function: Execute Ubergraph L1a Graph: CollectLevelData Node: Set Integer (by ref)
I’m not sure if what I’m doing is causing this, or if this is an unavoidable bug that I have to find a workaround for.
Moving the classes referenced in “Get All Actors of Class” creates a myriad of new issues:
[0146.13] Compile of PersistentLevel.L1a failed. 14 Fatal Issue(s) 0 Warning(s) [in 82 ms] (/Game/Levels/L1a.L1a:PersistentLevel.L1a)
Invalid pin connection from Array generated from expanding Collect Level Data and Out Actors generated from expanding Collect Level Data : Array of BP Diamond Object References is not compatible with Array of Actor Object References. (You may have changed the type after the connections were made)
Invalid pin connection from Array generated from expanding Collect Level Data and Out Actors generated from expanding Collect Level Data : Array of BP Box Object References is not compatible with Array of Actor Object References. (You may have changed the type after the connections were made)
Invalid pin connection from Array generated from expanding Collect Level Data and Out Actors generated from expanding Collect Level Data : Array of BP Diamond Object References is not compatible with Array of Actor Object References. (You may have changed the type after the connections were made)
Invalid pin connection from Array generated from expanding Collect Level Data and Out Actors generated from expanding Collect Level Data : Array of BP Box Object References is not compatible with Array of Actor Object References. (You may have changed the type after the connections were made)
COMPILER ERROR: failed building connection with 'Array of BP Box Object References is not compatible with Array of Actor Object References.' at Get (a copy) generated from expanding Collect Level Data
COMPILER ERROR: failed building connection with 'Array of BP Diamond Object References is not compatible with Array of Actor Object References.' at Get (a copy) generated from expanding Collect Level Data
Can't connect pins Target Array generated from expanding Collect Level Data and Out Actors generated from expanding Collect Level Data : Array of BP Box Object References is not compatible with Array of Actor Object References.
Can't connect pins Out Actors generated from expanding Collect Level Data and Target Array generated from expanding Collect Level Data : Array of Actor Object References is not compatible with Array of BP Diamond Object References.
Invalid pin connection from ' Out Actors generated from expanding Collect Level Data ' to ' Target Array generated from expanding Collect Level Data '. You may have changed the type after the connections were made.
Can't connect pins Out Actors generated from expanding Collect Level Data and Target Array generated from expanding Collect Level Data : Array of Actor Object References is not compatible with Array of BP Box Object References.
Invalid pin connection from ' Out Actors generated from expanding Collect Level Data ' to ' Target Array generated from expanding Collect Level Data '. You may have changed the type after the connections were made.
Can't connect pins Target Array generated from expanding Collect Level Data and Out Actors generated from expanding Collect Level Data : Array of BP Diamond Object References is not compatible with Array of Actor Object References.
The current value of the ' Array generated from expanding Get (a copy) ' pin is invalid: Array inputs (like 'Target Array') must have an input wired into them (try connecting a MakeArray node).
The current value of the ' Array generated from expanding Get (a copy) ' pin is invalid: Array inputs (like 'Target Array') must have an input wired into them (try connecting a MakeArray node).
Adding a delay node can temporarily fix the issue for some reason. However, once another
change is made to BP_Box, the macro might work fine, but usually after two or three Plays it will begin to throw errors before crashing again.