1After working under Windows for 10 weeks now, I’ve recently had to open the project under a Mac OS and the project crash at startup. One of the team members have to work under MacOS and is unable to open the project. I’ve added the dump log in the attachment (link text) and this is what I have found so far what causes the problem.
What: Project crash at startup.
Platform: Mac OS
Branch: Unreal Launcher
Build version: 4.5.1
Problem: “[2014.11.14-22.36.53:476][ 0]LogMac:Error: appError called: Texture format ‘BC4’ not supported (sRGB=0).”
Tried so far: I have deleted all textures I was able to find in the project and tried to open the project again, that ended up in success.
My conclusion: As far as I know it means that one of the many textures can not be loaded which causes the engine to crash. However it does not tell me which texture it is so I have to go manually through all the textures to find which one it cause. I have tested this on two different Mac OS, a iMac i7-core (which runs the third person template at 120 fps), and a MacBookPro i5-core (which runs the third person template at 20-30fps, due low videocard).
What to do next?
Is there a better solution to tackle this problem?
How can my team and I avoid this problem for future content? How can we identify if the texture is BC4 and when not?