Mac Mini M2 Mouse Accelaration on Sculpt/Paint Mode

I was having issues while landscape sculpting/painting. The problem was weird accelaration on LMB hold and drag on viewport. It was very annoying but in this forum there are other topics that cover this issue as “Engine Bug”.

I found a brute solution:
1-Click on “Camera Speed” button on viewport
2-Without clicking anything, start sculpting on the viewport.

It seems that first click after the camera speed button click doesnt fire sculpting mouse accelaration bug. I hope it helps until the fix.

Also in smooth option, i uncheck “Combined Layers Operation” for it to work…

I am working on a MacBook Pro M1 2021 and had some same issues with mouse dragging acceleration during LMB pressed. I think this might be connected due to frame/performance drops while sculpting the landscape and have a fancy view mode on. When I used view mode “unlit” this problem was solved and I could easily sculpt my landscape without some mouse dragging problems.

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