Mac and Linux mesh flickering/glitches on shader

I’m having this material glitch for an ocean shader on Mac/Linux. Works fine on Windows but when I try on Linux or Mac the mesh flickers as seen below. Anyone have any insights on this?


Win10 (what it should look like)

hey there !
seems an issue with tesselation,try to change mode tu flat or disable it on linux/mac os

I’ve tried tessellation on the material but it made no difference. Not sure where to disable it on Ubuntu but will have a google.

did you tried to deactivate the world position offset too ?
you can switch your shader using platform detection :

The first thing I tried was set the transform back to the origin.
I didn’t write the shader but I’m trying to modify it to work with Linux.
I’m just trying to figure out what makes it behave differently on Linux.
I’ve tried to reproduce the glitch on Windows by forcing it to run on OpenGL and Vulkan but with no luck.
Also I’ve tried on Mac and it behaves the same as Linux.