Lyra Setup and how to get rid of Crouch Input in Lyra and replace it with a Crouch Gameplay Ability?

Hello, I’m trying to get started using the Lyra Starter Game and I wanted to know a few things:

  1. How do I utilize my own character movement component with Lyra while still being able to use Shooter Core?
  2. How do I get rid of the Crouch Input and replace it with a Crouch Gameplay Ability, similar to what has been done with Jump?

I’m currently working on Prone movement in the charactermovementcomponent in c++ in a separate project. Would I have to make my own Animation Blueprint set from scratch in order for my characters to be able to have prone movement work on any Shooter Game mode or can it be added on via a gameplay feature? What’s the best course of action? Thank you.

May not be possible unless you replace the base ALyraCharacter with your own custom class. IF it’s possible, you’d need to use FObjectInitializer in the character constructor to change the CharacterMovementComponent class to whatever custom class you want to use.

Crouch is handled by native input, by default. You’d need to remove it from the native input tag map and add it instead to the ability tag map, and supply your own ability to implement Crouch.

Thanks. Decided to give up on Lyra in favor of building my own. At least that way, I’ll have no problem getting my CMC working with my character. Currently working on setting up the base classes so I can build it out from scratch.

I’m looking for how crouch works in Lyra. I tried searching refrence of input.crouch tag but no ability bind with it, I search function “Crouch”, but no using in lyra, (I can find “Uncrouch”), and there is no crouch ability class in lyra, at least I didn’t find it, Do you know how crouch works in lyra specific?