Lyra project - Multiple game targets found for project. can't package/build the game - what do?

Downloaded the Lyra project as it is, it works, all good. I’m trying to build/package the game for windows. Got some issues where unreal didn’t found the windows SDK but I’ve resolved that by updating visual studio and adding the SDKs for windows 10 and 11

Now I get this error

ERROR: Multiple game targets found for project. Specify the desired target using the -Target=… argument.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Could be “LyraGame” (E:\UNREAL\LyraStarterGame\Source\LyraGame.Target.cs)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Could be “LyraGameEOS” (E:\UNREAL\LyraStarterGame\Source\LyraGameEOS.Target.cs)

I have no idea what, how and where to add this “argument” anyone have any idea how to fix this?

Deleting the “Intermediate” folder did nothing to fix the issue as suggested on a different thread for some similar issue.

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I’ve fixed this by deleting the “Intermediate” folder again AND restarting unreal. Worked this time. Don’t know how to delete or close this thread


could you specify? im having the same problem when packaging for windows

Ok so first you need to have your visual studio 2019 up to date and have the sdk installed as mentioned in this link (for windows part)

make sure to have the windows 10 and 11 sdks

on that page just the part from " Fix SDK Not Setup UE5 For Packaging to Windows" not everything

then go to LyraStarterGame folder and move/delete the Intermediate folder

then open the project and select the Refresh Platform Status (is in the build menu at top of unreal)

One last thing I’ve did on top of this is to unlock the editor from the firewall, for some reason the editor was not able to go online. Not sure if this have anything to do but as last resort you can try it.

after that it worked. the game built successfully and works perfect. quite nice actually. really like it. trying to figure out what is what inside right now :slight_smile:

also I’ve found this link about the project


Perfect, thankyou! i know it doesnt have to do with anything you posted in the thread but after doing what you said i got this error:}

> UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): WARNING: LyraGameEOS and dynamic target options are disabled when packaging from an installed version of the engine
> UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Compiling GameFeaturePlugins in branch ++UE5+Release-5.0
> PackagingResults: Warning: LyraGameEOS and dynamic target options are disabled when packaging from an installed version of the engine
> UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): ERROR: Multiple game targets found for project. Specify the desired target using the -Target=… argument.
> UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Could be “LyraGame” (D:\UE_5.0\xxx\Source\LyraGame.Target.cs)
> UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Could be “LyraGameEOS” (D:\UE_5.0\xxx\Source\LyraGameEOS.Target.cs)
> UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): (see C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+UE_5.0\Log.txt for full exception trace)
> PackagingResults: Error: Multiple game targets found for project. Specify the desired target using the -Target=… argument.
> UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 3s
> UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)
> UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): BUILD FAILED

Any way you can help with this?? thanks in advance

Now you need to delete the “Intermediate” folder and restart the editor reload the project.

then it works


I’m trying to build from the editor and cant get past these errors. Im a UE newb tho, so not sure i’m doing it right.

Win 11 SDK installed, I goto Platforms then Windows and Package Project or Cook Project and get this

UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): Setting up ProjectParams for E:-=Projects\Unreal\Samples\LyraStarterGame\LyraStarterGame.uproject
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): WARNING: LyraGameEOS and dynamic target options are disabled when packaging from an installed version of the engine
PackagingResults: Warning: LyraGameEOS and dynamic target options are disabled when packaging from an installed version of the engine
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): Compiling GameFeaturePlugins in branch ++UE5+Release-5.0
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): ERROR: Multiple game targets found for project. Specify the desired target using the -Target=… argument.
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): Could be “LyraGame” (E:-=Projects\Unreal\Samples\LyraStarterGame\Source\LyraGame.Target.cs)
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): Could be “LyraGameEOS” (E:-=Projects\Unreal\Samples\LyraStarterGame\Source\LyraGameEOS.Target.cs)
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): (see C:\Users\kendo\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\E+UE_5.0\Log.txt for full exception trace)
PackagingResults: Error: Multiple game targets found for project. Specify the desired target using the -Target=… argument.
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 1s
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): BUILD FAILED

The solution is already posted but i think it may not be simple for a begginer to implement.

you are saying you have installed windows 11 sdk, what about the windows 10 sdk?

which of the various steps above you have done?

Went though every step I really feel like its a simple issue like I’m not setting the build target somewhere.

LogMonitoredProcess: Running Serialized UAT: [ cmd.exe /c ““E:/UE_5.0/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/RunUAT.bat” -ScriptsForProject=“E:/-=Projects/Unreal/Samples/LyraStarterGame/LyraStarterGame.uproject” Turnkey -command=VerifySdk -platform=Win64 -UpdateIfNeeded -EditorIO -EditorIOPort=58308 -project=“E:/-=Projects/Unreal/Samples/LyraStarterGame/LyraStarterGame.uproject” BuildCookRun -nop4 -utf8output -nocompileeditor -skipbuildeditor -cook -project=“E:/-=Projects/Unreal/Samples/LyraStarterGame/LyraStarterGame.uproject” -unrealexe=“E:\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe” -platform=Wi
n64 -ddc=InstalledDerivedDataBackendGraph -installed -stage -archive -package -clean -compressed -iostore -pak -prereqs -archivedirectory=“E:/-=Projects/Unreal/Samples/Lyra” -distribution” -nocompile ]

there is no -Target= in that command

well I’ve asked *what" steps you took

#dorusoftware I had a problem similiar like that and your way worked well!

Hi, DON’T delete the Intermediate folder. This error comes from the RENAMING of your project. Just go to the “Source” folder and delete all “LyraGameEOS.Target.cs” (E:\UNREAL\LyraStarterGame\Source\LyraGameEOS.Target.cs) As I understood your NEW project NAME is “LyraGame”. If VS then VS deleting operation and hold the ONE which is your NEW Project NAME!
I hope it will help you.

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no, this is not correct, don’t do this

this lyra project contains different code/modules that can be build separately if one wants to do that.

you can build single player games,

you can also build multiplayer games which are split in two parts.

One build will create the files the user downloads and a second build will create files that go on the server. That second part is the EOS you have renamed

The “EOS” part from that file stands for Epic Online Services

You are just breaking the project by renaming that file as you will have a bad time trying to configure the project to build for multiplayer if you need this

Epic was a bit tricky with this project as is not a project for beginners. Is quite complex. Is good because it shows you a lot of stuff but the lack of tutorials for now is a downsize.

Also, this thread deal with only managing to successfully build the project if you only want to use blueprints.

There are additional steps to follow to have the project open correctly inside Visual Studio and be able to edit and change the code behind the project


Delete the intermediate folder in your Project from[Window Explorer] and restart the engine!

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I too am getting this issue. I have done the steps listed in this post. And still I get the same error. Am using a source built engine. But yes I have all the necessary sdk’s installed. When I delete the Intermediate folder, I basically have to go and recompile the project in VS before I can Open it up again. So, I dont think deleting the folder is the solution. There must be somewhere you can enter -Target=LyraGameEOS in some command line argument area. I just dont know where that is. I placed it inside the Additional Command Line Parameters within the Package Launcher… yet it does not help. Why? What do I do?

You are trying to access the Lyra project source code?

The steps in this thread fixes building the project as blueprint. You need to follow the steps I’ve posted NOT what other people have posted as there are a lot of wrong information. Ignore those posts use only the information from my posts.

Once you get them all right you can build the project as it is without changing any setting. It will build the full game and will work on your computer.

Once you have it working like this there are additional steps to be done to access the game source code. because there are a lot of C++ files that are used to drive the game. Most of the blueprints in the project have C++ as parents.

I’ve build the project successfully both as a blueprint and as C++ project but you need to get all the steps right.

To have the C++ source code, after you have build it successfully as blueprint. (the steps above) then you go to the Lyra folder and delete the following folders (if exists)

.vs, Binaries, Build, Intermediate, Saved

then you double click on LyraStarterGame.uproject you get a message that stuff needs to be build because is missing. You click OK and let it do its stuff. It will appear that nothing is done, no window no nothing on screen, you will let it be as much as it takes (it may take some time). Don’t double click or anything till the editor will open with the project.

Then you close the editor and the project. Right click on LyraStarterGame.uproject and chose Generate Visual studio project files. Again it will take some time. When Visual Studio will open (I don’t recall if it does this automatically, I think it opens automatically) DO NOT TOUCH anything. there will appear to be a lot of errors and stuff. is notmal, visual studio is linking stuff behind and it takes a lot of time. You can click on the small spining icon in the left down side of visual studio to see what its doing.

After it finishes everything will be ok no errors, you can see the lyra source code, you can build the game everything.

You need to do all the steps I’ve posted and ignore others posts in this thread really


proof that it works. first screen shows the C++ files. second screen one of theses c++ files open in visual studio

Do you use the Project Launcher found from Tools → Project Launcher to package the project? or do you package with Platform button? As in Platform → Windows make sure you have selected LyraGameEOS there. Then go to Platform->Windows->Package Project.

I was using the Project Launcher and it seems to not be able to set the Target there… but just tried using the Platform Button it is still working on stuff at the moment but seems like it will work this way.

I’ve used the platform build for windows which appear to build the single player version

is there a guide how to make lyra project to work with EOS from start to end ? because they are all broken and try so many and still nothing … thank you