Lyra Project - Dash Widget - Ability With Widget

In the Lyra Project, we have a GA_AbilityWithWidget. It does have a WidgetClasses variable.,

Where the Widget Classes value comes from? Where this asset is instantiated? I looked everywhere. Reference viewer, BPs, c++ code.

More specifically I want the project to use my Dash Widget but I can’t find where to change it.

Well, you can use

referrence viewer

to see that you actually need the child ability named GA_Hero_Dash, and here WidgetClasses are just filled in bp defaults in Details panel

I used Reference Viewer. This is how I found it it is being referenced in GA_AbilityWithWidget.
I can’t understand where the value is populated. As we can see in the image, the details panel for the variable value is empty.

GA_AbilityWithWidget is just an empty parent class. In addition to the Class Defaults panel explained before, make sure to check "show inherit variables inside any GA blueprints derived from GA_AbilityWithWidget. You’ll get “Widget Classes”.

Found it only when going to class defaults. Directly accessing the variable does not show it.