While it works fine with player controllers, when I try to possess it from a bot controller:
GetOwner() returns null for ULyraPawnComponent_CharacterParts : public UPawnComponent. Btw, I don’t spawn it with experiences, instead I made it blueprintable and added it as a compoent to the pawn.
I saw in debugger, OwnerPrivate of the ActorComponent is really null:
This seems only to be happening when some changes are made into blueprint of the character with this pawncomponent, it’s fine when relaunching UE and no changes
This stopped helping, no matter what child blueprint I create based on parent ECRCharacter_BP, it has the issue (GetOwner() of actor component returns null). It doesn’t seem to depend on time, if I wait 3 seconds after character spawn before executing AddCosmeticPart, it will still be null.
I want to get my character from UActorComponent, it has outer with the name of the character, but it doesn’t get through a cast event to AActor. This engine is full of ■■■■ and I hate it more and more with every year.