I’m trying to retrieve the actor stored in the quickbar (a weapon), I’ve tried with blueprints and C++. I need the actual actor spawned to give it to a framework to equip the item.
I can see the weapon being picked up at the spawner and added to the quickbar, but I can’t seem to retrieve the original actor object added to the inventory.
Could you help me figure a C++ or blueprint way to retrieve the actor (like the output of SpawnActor function) from the inventory ?
Get component by class → Inventory manager → find first item stack by definition → I get the item in the form of a “Lyra Inventory Item Instance Object”
AActor* ULyraQuickBarComponent::GetFirstEquippedActor()
ULyraInventoryItemInstance* result = nullptr;
result = Slots[0];
AActor* actor = nullptr;
ULyraEquipmentInstance* inst = EquippedItem.Get();
if (inst != nullptr) {
TArray<AActor*, FDefaultAllocator> actors = inst->GetSpawnedActors();
if (sizeof actors > 0) {
printf("Actors: " + sizeof actors);
actor = actors[0];
else {
printf("Actors is empty");
else {
printf("Equipped Item is null");
return actor;
Thanks !