Luoshuang's GPULightmass

hi @Miguel1900 ,
The update is just as hard as the making of 5.3. Probably I should have put my code makers in first thing, but only started late in conversion.

Hand patching is still the best way its just so hard you can only do a few patches a day. The old July 2023 patches are so out date!

Anyway 5.4 is good because new private branch creation is automatically when you add your first patch.

Superb saved so many days work. Deleted my original fork/branch downloaded the newly renamed branch and built it overnight.

UAT has gone replaced by UBR and for the first time you can used the much requested Multi-threaded automatically build which integrates with Visual Studio 2022 17.10.
Here is the quote from the new style 5.3 d Developer Iteration

Multi-Process Cook (Beta)

Multi-Process Cook helps reduce the total time it takes to get a cooked output from a build farm server or on your local workstation by leveraging available CPU cores and memory resources.

Multi-process cook is a beta feature for UE 5.3. Performance gains may vary, depending on the size of the project and how the data is separated. For best results, we recommend you test different CookProcessCount values depending on the project and available hardware specs documentation

UE5 is still the biggest application built on VS2022, at least 10 copies are being built every day and performance of VS2022 is mostly based on UE5 builds.

In 5.4 Visual Studio 2019 is obsolete you will get an error :roll_eyes: VS2019 has left the room!!.
Now and 5.4 preview is built on VS2022. :rofl:

Haha, too technical for me! But great to know it :slight_smile:

Have you tried helping yourself with ChatGPT? It’s so useful to turbocharge coding tasks

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Never used ChatGPT to generate images.

No, but seriously now! I have been using the free chatgpt (which doesn’t generate images) to help me coding. In fact, without having any idea about C++, I have achieved to fully develop my own plugin, which adds some additional nodes into Unreal blueprints and with unique functions that doesn’t exists in any plugin nor tool in the marketplace. I will maybe sell it in the future.

It can make huge and heavy tasks for you, if you provide “him” the code and make the right instructions. If I were you (or any programmer), I would try it, no doubt. Just an advice or disadvantage: every change proposed by chatgpt must be tested, because some times it may be using old sintaxis, for example, and you will need to tell him to try with a different code to achieve the same thing.

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hi all

see the new thread for LGPU 5.5 onward
Luoshuang’s GPULightmass Unreal Engine 5


thanks for replay @Jimbohalo10
i read the posts but i didnt find the Links for downloading the LGPULightmass for 5.4 (Folder copy to Epic )

“5.4.0 maybe three weeks after launch” means three weeks after stable/final 5.4.0 launch. It’s still in preview.

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hi @AmrSrour ,
Then my be you are thinking about Jul 23 5.4 (ue5main) build announcement
Luoshuang’s GPULightmass - 5.4 BINARY as Win rar announcement)

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thank you @Jimbohalo10

Hi Everyone,
I have updated my time table post for 5.5 Patch BINARY
Yet again. (May 2024) I have added a Problems section which have been encountered (>300 patches in 10 days

Luoshuang’s GPULightmass - 5.5 BINARY TIMETABLE)


Hey folks! A question about UE 5.4. Did you guys notice any improvement on Epic GPULightmass? Or still the same thing as UE5.3? Thanks in advance.

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Nothing on the roadmap or release notes besides " * Archvis template has an updated GPU Lightmass map"

Hi all,
There is new documentation book on lighting to download
Download the ‘Lighting in Unreal Engine 5 for Educators and Students’ guide


HI @Miguel1900 ,ALL UE FN 30.0 just Launched with 5.5 so next version of LGPU will be 5.5

This will allow me to move on and concentrate on 5.5 and leave
LGPU 5.5 and LGPU 5.4 Progress

Hi @Jimbohalo10,
I thought this might be interesting for you.
I have created a MaxScript to save time working with Unreal Engine. One of the features is “Configure Luoshuang’s GPULightmass INI file settings”.
P.S.: Thank you for your Epic work! Maybe you don’t know, but you are creating the future!


Did something happened to this project? I can’t find a working link anywhere. I’m trying to find the 5.3 version but all the links give me 404 error.

The light coming from an emissive material is much more enhanced and looks more realistic in ue 5.4 epic gpulm.

hi @ROBY769854 ,

Looks like you have some sort of browser cache problem.
Go into browser settings and clear all Caching data

Now you have to log back into Github.
Multi level security is now in place and you will get a texted security code.

Log back into Epic Games Launcher user/pass and the Epic Security Email for Multi Level Security

The direct link to 5.3 binary LGPU
GPULightmass-5-3-1-BIN-patch/README.MD at GPULightmass-5-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-3-1-BIN-patch (

the 5.3 patch Binary Announce post is at

This works great, thank you

anyone knows why the indirect lighting in my map is completely black, but in two other maps its not?

yes man … thank you … you save my Day