Luoshuang's GPULightmass

Hi @Nick_Tarasov, I cannot fix the problem with the BINARY Launcher version.
I have documented the source version in an earlier post-Git Repository I have forked.

's GPULightmass - Unreal Engine / Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

See the file for 5.0.3 BINARY in the next further post
Binary 5.0.3 files available

@ Can you Please make GPU Lightmass for UE 5.0.3 Installation same as old way. Thank you.

GPU Lightmass 5.0.3


Source code


@ :- You are superb. Thaaaaaaaaank you So much. :sparkling_heart: :heartpulse: :heart: :two_hearts: :heavy_heart_exclamation:


You are the best man! Thank you very much :heart_eyes:

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You are on a GPU Lightmass thread. Maybe you should open a new thread on the rendering section.

is this gpu baker better than the integrated gpu baker?

hi @poky, YES for many with GTX 10xx Nvidia graphics cards like my GTX 1050 it is the ONLY CODE that supports these earlier Graphics Cards.
Epic has chosen to BLOCK all cards below RTX 2090.

This is simple indie dev is quite able to use the source and binary versions.

Companies that have to use Final versions are way behind, they even still use Visual 2019 :joy::joy::rofl: instead of Visual Studio 2022, then moan very loudly when they have a problem, expecting indie to fix their problem.

Ironically they never fill in a UE bug report!!
see 's GPULightmass - Unreal Engine / Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

why is that so? epic hired luosh?

’s GPULightmass is CUDA based, so only runs on Nvidia hardware, and can run out of vram pretty quickly for larger projects. Radiosity based. Faster. To really get the best quality out of it, light map resolution needs to be cranked pretty high.

Epic’s GPULightmass also has realtime preview options, does more to accurately represent materials so world position and vertex color effects are considered. Path tracing based. Doesn’t run out of memory. Slower, but there’s room for speed improvements.

For some people/projects, ’s GPULightmass will be better, but Epic’s is generally more robust and better integrated.

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Hello, folks. Did you any of you guys tried use baked light plus nanite? Did work? did worth it? Find any problem? Thanks!

Hi @michaelmonte,
I have tried nanite on my version described
's GPULightmass - Repository description
It worked fine on Nanite, after all, it’s just another form of Static Mesh.

Hi @Jimbohalo10

I installed Luoshuangs GPU LIghtmass.

When I click on Build Lighting Only, the build happens on the CPU. How to switch to GPU?

hi @Nick_Tarasov,
Have you installed the binary 5.0.3 files in post
GPU Lightmass 5.0.3

My repository is a source build not a binary

I firstly suggest you follow the post
Unreal 5.1.1
UnrealEngine-5/ at GPULightmass-5.1.1-vs2022 · jimshalo10/UnrealEngine-5 (

I installed Lightmass 5.0.3 from a zip archive

I know I am a little late to the party but I have experienced this as well … It appears to intermittently occur when there is more than 1 static light (spotlight or pointlight) in the scene using 's GPU lightmass to build lighting. (UE 4.27.2)

I have included the project as well: (6.1 MB)

I have spent the last couple of days trying to figure out why this happening with no success.



link to original post back in Dec '21

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is it possible to compile everything and put it out for everyone?

Hi @K0LES0,

I have tried to make a binary compiled version but will only allow 2GB binary updates on each git push/commit and won’t allow more than 50GB containing Binary files using the Epic FREE licence.

I assume you want this as a BINARY package. I must admit I have never tried that. Looking at the current built version it’s 109GB.
NOT even Git-Large would allow that

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Did you ever find a solution?