Luoshuang’s GPULightmass Unreal Engine 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 patch

Announcing the LGPU 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 binary patches for Epic Unreal 5.4.3 Binary

@AnaRitaMoreira ,
@Miguel1900 , @Ozykz @cvmabreu @Boahene_Michael @cretzsf @Olegsbr @AmrSrour @Unreal_ArchViz @Austin_Amkay @Vint26 @michaelmonte and all

GPULightmass-5-4-3/5.4.4-BIN-patch/ at GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch (

I have extensively tested my source built LGPU 5.4.3 and works with 5.4.4. I am currently testing with @Miguel1900 updated version available above on the Epic Binary 5.4.3 and Epic Binary 5.4.4

The 5.4.4 now once again uses the ProgressReporter.exe to Build → Build Lighting Only
The tests were on a Nvidia GTX 1050 as before and the quality of 5.3 has remained the same
The default settings have been tested