Lumen with runtime mesh

Lumen; Left - runtime mesh, right - static mesh
only skylight with captured scene *same with cubemap

shadow is not generated inside runtime mesh(
*using runtime mesh component

Maybe I need to convert runtime mesh into static mesh, but I found no way to do it at runtime.
Everything in my application is imported in runtime( So it’s life or death question for me

Lumen needs static meshes and mesh distance fields to do it’s magic, otherwise the effect is completely screen space.

Seems like the problem could be solved. “Voxel” and “Procedural planet” plugins are probably building distance field at runtime. “RMC5 pro” plugin has “build distance field runtime” functionality. Though I have not tried it yet.

It is a solveable problem, and I imagine a thing on the roadmap. But it seems like there’s a lot on the roadmap for Lumen, with “this needs priority!” being said a lot; eg things like water and terrain aren’t even supported yet. So I can’t hazard a guess as to when we’d see runtime meshes other than “at some point in the future”.

Hello, I want to know where you can download the “RMC5 pro” you said, is it in the market?

I believe he is referring to the venerable Runtime Mesh Component, available on Github:

There is also a UE5 branch here:

I have used this in the past (on 4.15), but only its basic features. I cannot comment on how well it works with Lumen.

Unfortunately RMC5 pro is not available now( Developer has disappeared
Only non pro version without “build distance field runtime” is available, so it will not work with Lumen.

You mean “RMC4_UE5” doesn’t build distance field runtime anymore, is that what you mean?

RMC4_UE5 dont build distance field at runtime,I have tryed,
I want to know is there a way to get lumen effect for runtime mesh.