same here, thinking about animate params about skylight
I am having the exact same issue… I shared my project as is with other people and for them, the room is pitch black.
The only difference: I am on a mac and they are on a windows PC.
May I ask if the people that are having this issue are Mac users or also Windows users?
Make sure volumetric fog is checked in the height fog.
Hey, I have the same problem. Completely closed interior with all the features mentioned above turned on and still interior is lit. Turning off SkyLight fixes it, but obviously at cost of removing sky dome lighting (which is completely fine in interior). I tried everything I could imagine, but no success.
My final though is it may be related to DX12 feature level, since my graphic card is old (GTX 780) and DX only supports hardware Feature Level 11, yet software supports DX12 as it mentioned in DXDIAG window. Shader Model is ver 5.
People with the same problem - what graphic cards/DX feature level do you have?
Performance is not the issue here, everything runs smooth enough for my needs. The problem here is different as described in original post and I’m not the only one here as you see above
Your problem does not look the same as the others who have posted here, you have no skylight shadowing at all. Almost looks as if Lumen isn’t even enabled and it’s just falling back to DFAO.
What does your Lumen scene debug view look like?
I thought it’s quite the same.
By Lumen scene debug view you mean View mode → Lumen → Overview? Than it’s like this (reflection is clipped for some reason, idk):
How about the Global Distance Field?
Lumen needs to traverse the Global Distance Field in order to hit anything more than 2 meters away. For whatever reason, it appears your Global Distance Field is not being built (which is why your reflection view is also empty after 2 meters).
I’m not sure why this would be the case honestly… I would expect it to work. If you disable Lumen in the project settings, does the Global Distance Field show anything?
Set GI and reflections to None - nothing changed
I guess I can still work with static GI without Lumen and bake lighting (I’m doing it for video prod, not games), but still this is really weird
I assume that the mesh distance fields are working, but just to be sure if you check the mesh distance field visualizer, do they appear?
Assuming the scene renders in the mesh distance field, but not the global distance field. My guess is that it is probably a bug, because the global distance field should work. It might be worth reporting it
Yep, I already checked it and Mesh DistanceFields shows my meshes.
As last resort I will completely wipe my UE from PC and reinstall it, if problem will remain I will try to compose a bug report somehow (not sure where to start). Thanks for the help!
Did anyone ever figure this out? My distance fields look like odd clumpy wire meshes for some reason even though they’re all solid objects.
The engine bugged out yesterday and the lighting hasn’t been the same since. If I want half the result I had, I have to turn off skylight altogther but I need it.
I somewhat fixed it by manually checking ‘generate distance fields’ for each mesh which I think might have refreshed them. However now I have this:
It should all be completely dark but these specific meshes won’t shadow
I think I know what it is, it could be because these meshes don’t have backfaces, they’re hollow facades from megascans so I think the light is just penetrating through the backfaces of the mesh which is opposing any shadowing happening.
Just incase anyone sees this, I had to migrate my map over to a new project altogether:
Not sure what happened honestly…
I’ve seen the clumpy mesh distance fields happen when using two sided materials.
I did disable two sided materials though and I just couldn’t get it back to normal.
This leads to a major problem though. Due to this error, we can no longer use meshes with one side such as half the cliffs in megascans asset library as they only have front faces. The light from lumen just blasts right through the back faces and the shadows you receive look like cut-out squares
Yeah you can… all you have to do is put a rescaled cube (or any other object) on the other side to block the hole.
Using a two-sided material is the worst solution to this problem, it will cause light leaking from shadowmaps
Yea I suppose building cages is probably the best solution since we’re working with real dynamic lighting.
You have to consider wall thickness in your Static meshes. it should be more than 10 cm to minimize light leaking. Check workflow limitations in this link: