Hi Everyone. I am new so had to combine my images to post on forum. But I do have a youtube video as well which will include in a comment below.
I am playing with Lumen Reflections, and I noticed that MetaHuman hair is not working in Lumen Reflections. It just shows up as a weird black fuzzy mess?
I found when I disabled the Cast Shadow option on the Hair Mesh, the characters reflection goes bald. So is Lumen Reflections not rendering the hair mesh as all and just rendering the casted shadows? How do I fix this so I have my MetaHuman Hair visable in the Lumen Reflection?
Just to clarify, with Lumen, the hair shows up on the model ingame and in the shadows. It just does not seem to show up in reflections.
Also I have tried Planar Relections and gotten those working, this is just for me to figure out how to get Lumen Reflections working with MetaHuman Hair.