Lumen GI and Reflections feedback thread

yeah. negative persona. i don’t like those. asking for cheaper solutions. that may not look as good. wonder what their hardware is. i’m not rocking top of the shelf either and i’m fine with what is implemented. i test it and squeeze. and i know some of the limitations from developer insights. transparent and actual development, not monke rage mode. : )

Has his comment been removed?

Anyway, I also hope nanite continues improving fast, as it is still not production ready in many aspects (for example, with WPO or with ray tracing shadows over distance, even if using RT nanite mode = 1).

People might also want to remember that we’re still a foot in each world. Once the rendering pipeline is fully migrated to the new paradigm/GPU, we’ll be able to get kickin’.

Totally agree.

Would be curious to hear any estimation about it. Maybe one year? Three? Five? :thinking: I hope it happens soon!

What problems did you have with Nanite and raytraced shadows ? I’m asking because I also had some problems, specifically with foliage.

Hi Sebastian,


And specifically with foliage, this:

i got this “error” too, back when i tested 5.4 pre-release. wpo does not work with rt shadows. or atleast i couldn’t get it to work. the shadow model was always static. would have to evaluate wpo in the shadow raycast or do some funky math.

i have no idea what the performance implications of that would be. especially with multiple lights or soft shadow lights. the alternative is rigged foliage like in alan wake 2. you gotta make use of gpu skinning and may have to find ways to procedurally generate instance variances.

my hardware can make something good looking, but for sure is limited. : )

Interesting @glitchered . I don’t even know what GPU skinning is or how to do/apply it, anyway.

About performance; well RT shadows well perfectly working with WPO in lods and/or in high poligon meshes. The problem comes when nanite is checked in the mesh.

Anyway, I wouldn’t want to disturb to any of you in this specific thread abot this non-related issue!

unreal has that gpu skinning in render options. basicly using a compute shader to transform skinned meshes and then draw the polygons. i know atleast tlou, for example, uses this technique too, looking at their shaders.

either way… you posted about that shadow issue. the shadow doesn’t have wpo. it doesn’t move. hence why it’s computed wrong and looks spotty on the foliage. the geometry is moving thru a static shadow. for me it doesn’t work at all. no matter if it’s nanite or non-nanite meshes.

I see your point, thank you.

But it should work for you when Nanite disabled. Ensure to select the mesh actor and, in its Details, check the box ‘Evaluate World Position Offset in Ray Tracing’. I think this might be what you are missing.

did you watch the video i posted? the leaves are obviously moving. that’s wpo with nanite enabled. when wpo is disabled they wouldn’t move. still doesn’t change the fact that the shadow is static. that’s what’s causing this shadow glitch.

Yes, and your leaves may be moving because of your shader, but you may have “Evaluate WPO” checkbox unchecked, anyway.

Summary: If you enable WPO and disable Nanite, RT shadows work fine with non-Nanite meshes, but it doesn’t with Nanite ones.

Let’s make it easy:

dude… this’ about foliage, not static meshes.

setup: raytraced everything. manylights off (see wip note)

left: static mesh > shadow moves. right: foliage instance > shadow doesn’t move. nanite on > no wpo shadow moves.

wip: manylights currently has partial masked material support. the engine logo kinda works but those wpo tress do polygon shadows. but it’s WIP to integrate with raytraced direct light. same for volumetrics. i get it. :slight_smile:

anyway… enough derailment. back to work.

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This is somewhat of a tangent from the discussion, but has anyone had the time to do more in-depth testing of the new reflections denoiser? This is something that I personally have been looking for ever since 5.0 launched, so I am incredibly excited that we could get higher quality and greater content flexibility.

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Why is UE5.4 generell a peace of crap?

Hi guys,

Is there any way to get perfect mirror reflections with Lumen so far? Some hidden console commands? Hit lighting reflections still giving this messy look, no matter what settings I tweak for best quality:

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what engine version are you on? 5.4 doesn’t have the latest graphics features, yet. it’ll improve soon™

I am on 5.3.2 currently.
5.5 will have a solution for it?

it’s work in progress, but… yes.

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Unfortunately, but GI in reflections can be quite low quality. You can try to disable it and instead use unshadowed skylight with r.Lumen.HardwareRayTracing.LightingMode 3 (I assume that you have hit lighting enabled). This will require some tweaking to get it right, but you won’t have noise in reflections.