What is the reflection quality set to? Found in the PPV.
It’s set to 10
r.Lumen.Reflections.Temporal 0
I entered this but I didn’t see any changes
Also worth noting that the lower the screen percentage is, the worse your reflections will be, especially at a distance. So you should ensure that your screen percentage is set to 80 or higher.
This has been the first thing that has changed the quality!
- Setting it to 80 is super blurry
- Setting it to 100 is super blurry
- Setting to 120 is moderately blurry
- Setting it to 150 is okay
- Setting it to 200 makes it look like raytracing
Unfortunately, I can’t really justify running the game at 200% and scaling it down.
You legend, this was it. This makes the metal look like metal even at 50% screen percentage. I have filled the area with the rough amount of reflective materials I would have, and it runs at 60fps at 1440p. I think this should work? I will add it as a game option, but the reflections are tied to the gameplay.
Oven now with correct reflections:
One last question regarding:
If that is set to something very low (like 0.25) then it will look terrible
Having spent far too long looking at spheres, going from 0.25 to 100 quality changes absolutely nothing.
0.25 quality:
100 quality:
Same for Max Reflections Bounces, changing this number makes no difference. 1 looks the same as 100. Both these settings barely make a dent in my FPS either. Setting both to 1000000.0 leads to a 2fps drop and no change in reflection quality from the lowest values.
Ray lighting mode makes a huge difference, surface cache is terrible and HIT looks great. (Exactly what I expected). High quality Translucents also work correctly, so only two of the options are maybe bugged? (For me)
(EDIT: Just the quality slider now, the max reflections does have an impact, just less than I thought)