Lumen GI and Reflections feedback thread

Temporal bad, people from different industries bad. Your opinions very important. Games need 200fps and need to not use anything that causes any blurry anything.

My reply to the insulting exaggeration of Braitenbugs post

You obviously just have no idea about what I want.
I said I didn’t have problem with lumens temporal accumulation.
I have a problems with temporal motion smearing(not per object blur) and temporal dependence.

I never said I wanted 200fps. Your rude exaggerations of my views aren’t helping anyone. I have been asking specifically for a 60fps standard.
If you think 60fps is “too much” on 30 series hardware is too much to ask for then good for you. Move on while the people who are actually trying to fix can work in peace.

Btw if you tell someone to just use cvars for high quality renderings in ue5 why dont you just do the same for your requirements? Since its so easy.

This is so poorly written I don’t even understand your question. If you have a movie or pre-rendered cutscene just use path tracing or NvRTX like a regulars studios.

If you a game studio, use the 60fps High Lumen.

Now, that I’m done with that I’ll post what I was going to say.

The flickering Lumen GI issue seen in the default 60fps Lumen is related the screenprobe downscale Cvar. The higher it goes, the less expensive it becomes at the cost of increase the jittering(flickering).
16 from 8 does pretty well, does anyone know of a way to scale down the probe gather calculations in another way since the downscale factor is tied to the jitter process?