Lumen GI and Reflections feedback thread

In news directly related to lumen and its’ featuresets:

Fresh off the light transport presses as of yesterday, it’ll be interesting to see if/to what extent a ReSTIR-based integrator will offer for improvements. Obviously a prototype, but I’m very excited nonetheless.


Hi Snake,

I still don’t see TAA related to Lumen. Lumen noise, ghosting, and rest of problems are Lumen issues, so they are still there even if you have TAA, TSR, or AA disabled. But, I’m curious, what’s your proposal? As, as you may read, other AA methods are not working well with deferred rendering. So you have the option to use TAA, DLAA, etc, or nothing. Bring that options to your users.

Anyway, sure, I also don’t like Lumen to be so temporal-accumulation dependent (not talking about any AntiAliasing method). So, Lumen needs many frames to be clean, so you need a super high framerate, however, Lumen is capable to achieve low framerates… it’s like a paradox.

I also don’t think about games, in general, being released with Lumen nowadays. Just a personal conclusion: I think you should take Lumen and the current state of UE5 as a developer state (as not only Lumen, but it’s quite broken in many areas are even elemental features, like moving assets inside the Content Browser). Any game should be released with it in the next 1-2 years, probably, but you can already start developing it. Let’s wait. It’s a growing development and it needs time. I can’t wait too, but there is no other way.

As a suggestion for you forum activity (always from my point of view and without trying to hust anybody): for me, at least, it’s very hard to dig into your comments; they are so dense, with tons of collapsed texts (aka ‘spoilers’), tons of external links and tons of text, that we need like a half a day to read just only one of the posts (not even following each link, which link to other links, etc). I would suggest you to be more direct, just with few phrases, posting the images inside your post, not linking to 15 other posts, and being less repetitive. If preferred, you could also make an unique thread/post with all your detailed and dense thoughts and just refer always to that post, instead of writing lot of similar posts and linking one to each other, infinitely. Better to say something like: “Ey guys, I would want to insist in the temporal accumulation issue, here is the link to my thoughts-thread, which I have edited with additional info”.

Best regards


Hi @jblackwell is that in the latest main branch ?

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I basically use Restir GI and the legacy RT reflection(including Reflection Restir GI) as well as Mesh Caustics in the City Sample: City_NvRTX_Causitcs_521_Overdrive.rar - Google Drive

Hello everyone! First time posting here, sorry in advance if I’m making any mistakes. :sweat_smile:

Since UE5.2, I’ve noticed a disparity between scalabilities, especially noticeable indoors. Currently, in “High” settings, there is excessive Exponential Height Fog leakage compared to “Epic,” which looks like it did in UE5.1 in both scalabilities. I’ve been going through the console variables that change between scalabilities and found that r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.TraceFromVolume 1 is the one that eliminates this effect.

The real question is that in UE5.1, the same cvar is configured the same way as in 5.2 but doesn’t exhibit this fog leakage in “High”. So, I have a feeling that I might be missing something. Any comments are welcome, I’ll leave the images down below for a clearer understanding.

Thank you very much, and I hope you all have a great day!

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It is indeed!

I tried opening the.rar and it refused to open for some reason, it tried decompressing and then quit on me. I’ll need to figure out why, but I’m just letting you know.

Unreal Engine 5 - RTX OFF vs RTX ON!
both are same! :joy:

What are you even testing or benchmarking? RTXGI vs what? Baked lighting? Why is it in the Lumen GI thread? Why DX11 vs DX12 when you’re testing RTXGI on vs off?

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Lumen team, do not waste time reading my insufficient(to your work) reply to Farshid.

It’s just baked raytracing? The left isn’t computing anything anymore hence the massive perf gain.

If you move an object from the left side, shadows and bounced light will stay static.
In the right one, shadows, AO, bounce light will update in real time, which is ideal for games.

Oh plz. give us a beast mode :smiley: something for translucency too. The hardware will catch up someday :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the work. The progress in unreal is fkn amazing to watch.


The hardware will catch up someday :slight_smile:

The hardware is already here and so is the software.
Studio are literally disbanding due to how little players can actually play their unperformant blurry games.
If you need to render just dig into Lumen’s Cvars or Path trace.

Daniel, glad to hear you guys targeting consoles, since GPU wise it’s closer to the 2080 raster wise and that’s 4k via 20 series power/price scale.

lumen with rtx (raytracing gi and reflection)
lumen without rtx (without raytracing gi and reflection)

no, both are lumen and dynamic lighting
ray tracing in disabled on the left one
but enabled on the right one

You mean hardware(HWRT) Lumen vs software (SWRT) Lumen?
EDIT, Also I thought Lumen doesn’t work in DX11?

RTX is Nvidia’s branding for their GPU series.

yes I mean that!
Lumen working with DX11

There are subtle but more-correct variations between the two.

Look at the scene with the leather couch on the left and the light coming in from the right-side window, shining on the floor in front of the couch. The couch itself has much better detail, look where the light touches it at the front of the seat-cushion. As well the lighting on the floor is less-harsh, softer borders as you might expect.

Subtle, but the differences are there.

Software lumen works with DX11


I’ll add to that: RTXGI is sort of ambiguous at this point, as to my knowledge it refers to NVIDIA’s homemade GI solution (which NVRTX features). TMI it’s defined by a reSTIR-based integrator and DLSS 3.5 in the newest version (correct me if I’m wrong). RTX is a brand segment of GPUs that also refer to their supported ray-tracing features, but not all ray-tracing is RTX (AMD and intel have their own solutions), and there’s the afformentioned software ray-tracing.

So, I think @Farshid your comparison is somewhat ambiguously labeled; I believe what you’re refering to is SWRT vs. HWRT in lumen? In which case, differences will look most stark in areas of heavy specular reflection, not as much dull reflection and diffuse lighting as your scene largely possesses.

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(post deleted by author)


I am having a problem and I don’t know if it’s lumen problem or a camera problem. Somehow the shadows on my meshes pop in and out in distance while the camera is moving towards them. How can l solve this?