the Hardware Ray-Tracing option has no longer any effect on PC. Even if you toggle the option on or off (the getaway update). Lumen global illumination settings are changed from the editor scalability to the PC game setting scalability (Fortnite official build).
Please select what you are reporting on:
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
Enable Nanite, Lumen, and turn Lumen to Epic. After that, enabling Hardware Ray-Tracing won’t take effect at all.
Expected Result
Hardware Ray-Tracing should add occlusions between Nanite assets
I have the same problem. Massive shame as I just was finally able to diagnose that the GPU drivers for the Gigabyte 4070 Super cards are actually broken on all UE5 games, and especially on Fortnite.
Software RT/Hardware RT: [“An error occurred: Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post.”] [“An error occurred: Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post.”]
Yes. These are different screenshots, with different settings. Hardware RT is just completely broken.