Lower Graphics when key pressed

Good day, guys. I saw this youtube video, here is the link:
Quickly Set Engine Graphics Quality Setting in Unreal Engine UE5 - YouTube

Is it possible to implement the one in the video in c++? I want to lower the graphics of the game when key is pressed or when button is clicked. For example, the game is currently at the highest graphics possible, if I were to pressed R key on my keyboard, the graphics will be set to the lowest graphics possible.

Or are there any other way to set the graphics on c++ when key is pressed or when buttin is clicked?

Thank you so much in advance for helping me. I am stuck here and playing my game with 20 FPS.

Hey there @Syyylaaaar! So you can access the games settings in C++ by using the UGameUserSettings (documentation below).

Specifically you can use SetOverallScalabilityLevel(0) and it should default you to the lowest. However even better, you could set your DefaultScalability.ini file up, it can take all the commands from the upper portion of the page:

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Hi! Thank you so much. This has answered my question.

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