Low quality shadows :(


Im trying to fix my lighting and shadows. Im using static meshes and static spot light with IES texture, please check my screens and give me some advice.



I don’t really see if your whole building is one mesh… it looks like… You won’t get nice detailed shadows like this because you’d have to increase the lightmap resolution to it’s max… Just imagine right now your whole building gets a 1024x1024 pixel shadow information! …this is why you get pixelated shadows on the wall!!
I think your spotlight is way to strong (burned out parts)!! I’d lower it’s intensity…
So if you want to get proper shadows I would separate the walls with their own lightmaps.
Then I would lower the Static Lighting Level Scale (lowest would be 0.1) and set the Indirect Lighting Quality somewhere between 4 and 10!

Hope it helps!
Good luck!!

…just one more thing: do you have Lightmass Importance Volume covering your building?