I’ve been noticing the last couple months that UE’s camera depth of field really breaks down with terrible results when the aperture is set below 1. The depth of field boundary seems to be a hard line, rather than a feathered or gradient edge. So when the DoF is shallow on text, I get lighter text that is in focus and a hard edge to out of focus text. See image below. And even when the focal plane is even and DoF is shallow, I start getting strange dark lines inside the letters of the text. This has been really frustrating to be getting these poor quality results and I’ve tried trouble shooting them but it seems to be a fundamental issue with UE rather than a glitch. Is the focus better in path tracer? Is there a way to get a higher quality focus? I know William Faucher dealth with this similiar issue perhaps in UE 4 but dont think his fixes translate to 5.1
See the hard line between in focus and out of focus resulting in some text being lighter or darker. Yellow arrows pointing out the lines.
In this image you can see dark lines inside the letters. This occurs with shallow depth of field. Camera focus is tracked to text object. Whatever is creating the dark lines is the same issue with the image above. Wherever the depth-of-field boundary is, is where these lines occur.