low poly hazy lighting

Hi - does anyone have any advice on achieving the hazy style of lighting often seen in low poly style animations ?

There seems to be lots of assets and tutorials available for this style in Unity but I can’t find any screen shots or demo files for use with Unreal.
If anyone has any resource links or tips they could send it would be great.

It’s the same lighting as anything else, it’s just the meshes that are low poly and faceted instead of smoothed.

That’s how to create such low poly meshes: ?v=rtO9maU709k + combine it with such a material: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?32327-Flat-shading-tips-techniques :slight_smile:

Thanks for feedback. I was talking more in relation to the gradient type backgrounds you see in art like this:
Is this done with a gradient material applied to a skydome or is it a unique sunlight system ?
Also is there a post processing filter to give that type of diffuse blown out effect on the brighter colours (I know the flat style rendering is down to the way the models were generated but the lighter colours tend to be ‘blown out’ a bit more depending on the camera angle in some videos online).

I would just adjust the default sky, is has various sky color settings. And the blowout can be done with post processing.