Low Poly Car Physics (Video demo)

Hi All!

This pack is now available in the Unreal marketplace!: PolyCar - Car physics assets in Props - UE Marketplace

I have Been playing with car physics in Unreal Engine on a car i made (and lots of other stuff, listed below).

If there are some people interested, im planning to release it in the unreal marketplace.


  • Dynamic free look camera (snaps back in position)
  • Dynamic camera offset based on vehicle speed
  • Advanced engine sounds
  • Brake and Drift Marks
  • Brake and Drift Smoke
  • Surface detection for friction change and skidmark changes
  • Collision particles and smoke
  • Turbo HUD (limited turbo/boost time)
  • Slow motion (realtime, slow, slower, slowest (20% speed)
  • Simple Main Menu
  • Vehicle air control
  • Brake and reverse lights
  • ‘low poly’ car model
  • Low poly ‘lined’ look

Thank you for viewing, please tell me what you think :slight_smile:

Edit: requires no extra plugins, also everything was done in blueprints. Car uses wheeledvehicle (heavily tuned)

Nice work integrating all that! Really nice car model too :slight_smile:

I love those sounds, they blend in really nicely.
Also the fact that you have ‘smoke, tracks, collision effects’ and such all working is interesting to see. It adds a lot.
I like it.

Thank you two for the kind words! i’ll keep you updated. I’m now working on damage of the car body.

Getting some questions on how it was made. All things are done with native unreal engine functions and requires no extra plugins (so wheeledvehicle was used). Also everything was build with blueprints, so no coding skills required to understand it.

I am planning to submit it next week in Unreal Marketplace.


This is really nice!.
A Question
What kind of configuration requires the car?
I mean, if I want to use my own cars, what would I need? Skeleton rigged mesh, weighted? Bones for suspension etc.
I am having bad time learning to do those things so for me is not a so obvious question :slight_smile:


Thank you!

Changing the car is really simple, the car is made in a 3D out of 5 components:

  • CarBody
  • Tire_frontleft
  • Tire_frontright
  • Tire_rearleft
  • Tire_rearright

Example car mesh download link: https://www.lossy.studio/downloads/SK_Car.FBX


When you make your car in a 3D program, make sure you connect the body parts, and have the wheel parts separate. Also make sure the axis is in the centre of there corresponding part:

Export the car as a .FBX file (or use the example file above) and place it on a good location in your project structure. In your unreal project go to: “PolyCar_Pack -> PolyCar -> Main” and open “car_mesh”. Above in this window click on “Reimport Mesh” and select the example car mesh file (or any other car .FBX file).

Now the project car should change into your .FBX car. Close the window and test it out. If you want to edit the car mesh, make the changes in your 3D program, overwrite your old .FBX (location you saved it before) and “Reimport Mesh” again.

And you are good to go! :smiley:

You can of course change for example some suspension settings or engine settings to change the handling for your car.

Greetings! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the response! This looks very good!
I am surely interested in this. =)
Did you decide a price tag for it?

Hi all!

Just to give you all an update.

The package is still under reviewing by Epic. Just asked for an update, let you all know when i have a response. Everyone is busy these christmas days :smiley:

Price will be 25 euro’s.

If there are any questions just send me a PM (or just type a reply in this topic)


Just a picture of the car model.

Hi all!

just an update, some feedback of epic requested a little less drifty vehicle handling. So i worked this weekend in tweaking the handling (it stays kinda a drifty car, but with better handling), of course anyone can tweak there car different.

I also made a test/stunt track, so if you are working on your own car, you have a fun track to test the vehicle :smiley:

New video

This looks great! I can’t wait for it to be released. Do you know how easy it would be to change the tyre smoke to dust when on a dusty track or water effect for puddles?

This is really cool, I’ve not played with vehicles in UE4 yet but seeing this makes me want to jump right in :smiley:

Thanks! I already check for the current surface (different skidmarks for different surfaces) so it’s pretty easy, just make different particle emitters and spawn them based on the surface (what i already do for the skidmarks).

Haha thanks! when you do, let me see :smiley:

Ps: it now officially has passed the Unreal review proces. So i think it will be released soon. :slight_smile:

The car is cool. Blenderpower. :slight_smile:

Just to inform: the release date of this car pack (in unreal marketplace) is February 10th! :smiley:

Love the design of the car!

Can we use this to make a karting game ?

Thanks! :smiley:

Probably need some work to make a game of it, but yes sure. You need to replace the car mesh (as described above) into your kart mesh. Then you have a basic kart setup. :slight_smile:

This looks like so much fun…

Hi all!

I am pretty excited to tell my first Unreal pack has arrived in the marketplace! :smiley:

Link to marketplace: PolyCar - Car physics assets in Props - UE Marketplace

Sorry about the delay, but it’s finally there. If you have questions don’t hesitate to ask.

Have fun with it!