Low Poly Car Physics (Video demo)

Getting started

I received a question on how to make the controls work. First of all, i am sorry, i wasn’t aware the project settings aren’t included. But here is a small tutorial how to get the default controls.

Fast way: Download the .ini in the attachment and import it into your project settings input (unpack the .zip) :slight_smile:

If you don’t know how to do this, a more detailed instruction below:

Step 1

Open (for example) a blank new project.

And click on “Create project”

Step 2

Import PolyCar pack into your project. Go to your Epic Games launcher, go to the Polypack item, and click on “Add to Project”.

Select your (just made) project. And import.

Step 3

Go to project settings.

And select the “Input” tab

In the right top corner select “Import”.

Download the .zip in the attachment, unpack. And import the .ini

Done, all the default keyboard controls are now imported. :slight_smile:

To test: In your content browser, go to PolyCar_Pack -> Maps -> Double click on “Test_Level” and press Play.

Have fun!

I moved camera inside car, and the inside view works perfectly fine if I Play in Selected Viewport. If I tell it to Play in VR (I have Rift) it goes back to the outside car default view. Any idea how to fix this?

Phew! i have not a lot experience in VR, couldn’t tell… but that sounds awesome! have a screenshot?

Did you add an extra camera for the inside? or changed the outside one?

Is it in any way possible to use a character that I have control over, press a button to enter the vehicle, drive around and then jump out?

That’s what I call service. Thank you very much, great package!

Hi Guys,

So, for anyone interested in this pack. Upcoming (cyber) monday it will be available for 50% off!

Have fun :slight_smile:

can u make a short vid on how to change cars please i tryed what u wrote in post but it doesnt work.

hello Ekuipers,
could you give me pleasethe good set up color and the texture ? (like your picture orange car with the white strip )

Hey man! Congrats for the package!

There is a demo (.exe) available? I need to “feel” the physics before i buy it :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!!

Hé Oldnag, what part didn’t work? pretty sure i could help you out!

That’s a good idea. Will look into that!

Hé! currently there is no demo available. Maybe in the near future… i am considering it.

Thanks everyone, i am a little bit overwhelmed by the succes of this pack! Currently i am working on a bike version of this pack and also thinking about making a race/stunt/car game out of this pack (because i am getting a lot of requests for it). Thanks again!!

Hi, I just started using this asset, I really like the physics but the package doesn’t seem to be compatible with newer versions of the engine?

In 4.16 everything worked fine but in 4.18 it imports but doesn’t work, the main vehicle blueprint doesn’t appear
In current version of the engine like 4.20 and 4.21 there doesn’t seem to be any option to import the assets :frowning:

Why not working link for settings ? - Very need ini file