Hi @Neongho.
I think the primary dilemma is naturally inherent to this type of Game Dev Community: Game Devs are here to develop their own game concepts ( I’m one of them and You are too ). My goal is to appeal to Game Devs who may be frustrated going the journey Solo.
I purchased LSF on Steam. You did not mention it was published. That is a BIG DEAL. I want to achieve that milestone desperately. LSF Drone Implementation is really Nice. That would be a Cool Asset to have in the Marketplace for sure.
It’s true I did not get the amount of interest I was expecting for my primary game project, but truth be told it may be too ambitious. So, I initiated another that’s based on what I have access too and is more flexible in design over here.
I would summarize the new Shooter Game concept as Call Of Duty: Extinction meets PIXELS Movie but… Zero (0) cutesiness. It will be dark like a Left4Dead Survivor Horror. I enjoy various types Shooters with ultratech/magic and giant monsters, so all my game concepts feature these elements . I’ve acquired over 14,000 USD in Marketplace assets over the years and its time to use them!
I’m building on top of FPS Multiplayer Template 5 with several other Assets and few custom subsystems.
I’ve managed to attract a couple of other Game Devs. So I’m very excited about it. Have you considered joining another project? I have and I did. Remember my primary game project? We’ll I joined HeadlessStudios Team to participate in its development 5 years ago.
I’m the last one standing.