I am building a dance hall scene with 200 dancer characters and right now it is running very low on the framerates. The scene is currently set up with skeletal mesh inside blueprint(each BP is a small dance group), and there several animation sequence they can choose from. Here are several method that I have tested and they all don’t seem to bump up the fps:
Replace skeletal meshes with lower poly model(each character from 60,000 triangle to 6,000)
Animation sequence with fewer keyframes
Baked alembic animation
Things that I haven’t test was Niagara system with crowd. Does anyone have any advice on how to improve further! Thanks in advance!
take a look on this. May be helpful.
It animates objects by moving vertexes in the materials.
Performance is great and most work is done by the GPU.
Also workflow is not hard at all.
There’s a lot you can do when it comes to crowd management! Vertex animations are one of the best ways to go about it, as it doesn’t do anything literally to the model itself. Niagara can also handle a lot, making the process a bit better.
I’ve found a video that handles a large crowd in this way, and it also goes through some of the other more traditional mechanisms for completing this, too.
This is indeed a super video (i knew it from earlier), but it would be even better, if the showcased project would be available as a downloadable demo project