having problems with FPS and foliage trees so i tried using culling with a fade property in the material and its just the same if not worse.
theres not that many on screen and its down to like 1 or 2 FPS.
any ideas? or need any more info?
having problems with FPS and foliage trees so i tried using culling with a fade property in the material and its just the same if not worse.
theres not that many on screen and its down to like 1 or 2 FPS.
any ideas? or need any more info?
We need some more information about the problem:
no problem
Try it with your main PC, because the laptop gpu’s are not so good (I use a gtx 660m → no good performance ^^). It could be that the high tri count causes this fps drop → try to lower to them something around 2-3k (low tri count + looks still good). Could you post a picture of your material setup? Also try it with the 4.7 version of the engine → there were some foilage improvements (e.g new shading mode, better rendering and better culling)
il try it tomorrow with me main pc but i would like people to play it a lot of stuff not just high end stuff. just tried the same sort of scene with another tree i have at around 3k tries and same thing. trid the same file converted to 4.7 and its the same here is my material setup. i also tried it with a simple just diffuse texture and its the same so i dont think its this
the textures are 512x512
the low fps also happens when i look in the direction of the trees even when they are all culled out and theres nothing there.
so i tried it on my main pc which is pretty good, im getting similar results, from 100 when not looking at the trees to like 15 when looking in that direction never mind when you can actually see them.
so i made a new version of the same tree got it down to about 1.2K tris and then put it into my main pc with a culling that starts at 2,000 to 11,000.
FPS is going from about 150 to 60ish
there is about 8000 instances of the tree.
is culling not supposed to take the mesh out of the scene almost to help with fps? because when i look at the trees even when there all culled out i still get a fps drop.