I’m having an issue with very low fps. it ranges from 4 fps to 6 fps…
My computer is pretty new and capable of running 3d programs.
Here’s the spec.
Alienware Aurora R7
Intel core i7-8700 cpu @ 3.20 GHz, 3192 Mhz, 6 cores
RAM - 32 GB
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080
I am following the video tutorial from Epic Game Launcher ‘ArchViz Interior’ tutorial.
In the video, there is no problem with fps. Is it that they are using faster computer?
Please help!! This is really frustrating… the only way to navigate without lagging is to turn it into unlit mode.
Much appreciated.
Can you tell us what is the utilisation of the GPU while you move around in that scene? The value from Task Manager’s Performance tab will do.
Even though it’s pretty slim, there is a chance the engine is favouring the integrated rather than the dedicated video adapter - that’d explain the poor performance. The abovementioned number should clarify that.
also, is it safe to assume you’ve got the most recent drivers
additionally, the so called ‘gaming’ laptops often come bundled with software that controls and can override the behaviour of the components inside. Perhaps you can disable it and see if things behave better - worth trying in the interim.
Thanks for your reply.
I don’t know how to open Task manager’s performance tab. Can you tell me how to get to that?
Sorry I’m pretty new to Unreal engine.
I am using the most recent driver and there is no software that came with the computer. It’s a desktop that I’m using. It’s not a laptop. Sorry I’m not exactly sure what software you’re referring to.
This is just to see how much of it is being utilised while you do what you do - it’s just one of the ways but it’s easily accessible and any Windows user has access to it. You can make this window stay on top in the option.
While this will not solve any issues per se, it will at least tell you, roughly, whether the video card is doing what it’s supposed to so you can investigate further and/or something else.
Just adding to the excellent comment above.
Don’t forget, that the first time you open a heavy project like this it will start automatically on the background building the DDC (DerivedDataCache). So you must wait till the build is complete. You can check, if it is building the DDC by checking that the CPU is on the higher % in the Task Manager.
Also, a good idea is to close everything (Unreal - VisualStudio) and build the DDC from a cmd.
Press: WINDOWS + R
Type: cmd
Hit: CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER (To start as admin)
The command you need to build the DDC is:
Replace UnrealDir with your unreal Directory and ProjectName.uproject with your project
“C:\Epic Games\UE_4.25\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe” “C:\Projects\InteriorDesign\InteriorDesign.uproject” -run=DerivedDataCache -fill
Yes, it was on. So I disabled it and re-opened the project. Now the frame rate is 40 to 70 fps.
But Why is it making fps so low when the ray-tracing is on?
I was following the video tutorial and I was able to find what the guy’s frame rate was. He said it’s about 20 fps on his computer. I would be ok with that fps. Is it possible that his computer is much faster than mine?
Here’s his video. He’s using exact same project file and raytracing on.
Fast forward to 46:35
Did you mean try opening other 3d files in other program? If that is what you mean, yes it’s fine with other software like ‘3DS Max’
I’ve also tried opening other UE project, which looked pretty complicated and I could navigate with no problem. (Factory Environment Collection), which I downloaded free from marketplace. 20 fps to 70 fps
Why is it making fps so low when the
ray-tracing is on
Unlike the 20xx series, the 10xx series video cards do not have dedicated hardware to process raytracing.
With no raytracing, a GeForce 2060 is comparable to a GeForce 1080. When tackling (DXR) raytracing, the 2060 will be twice as fas - a simplified but a close-enough comparison.
In addition, you’re working in 1440p, the YT vid is running 1080p judging by the size of their interface, making it easier for their hardware to cope.
If the gent in the video is sitting on a GeForce 2080 running 1080p, the performance will be an order of magnitude better in this very instance.
Yes you’re right. It made a difference when I changed the resolution of the screen. I had no idea that it would make a difference. It almost doubled the fps…from 4 fps to 8 fps, which is much more manageable.
And yes, you’re right about the ray tracing performance on the different video cards.
I guess I would have to spend some money and upgrade the video card.
Look like they just released the 30xx series. I assume it would be even faster.
Can you recommend which video card is best for UE?
Thank you so much for your help! I think you figured out the cause of the issue.
I will also try the method Stalgom suggested. Maybe that will help too.
By the way, since you seem like an expert UE user, can you take a look at the some other issue I had? I posted the thread but I had a zero reply unlike this thread. I have a feeling it is a very uncommon problem. Maybe you know what is causing the problem?
Look like they just released the 30xx
series. I assume it would be even
faster. Can you recommend which video
card is best for UE
At the moment the 3070 or 3080, and both are short of amazing. IF you can find one as they’re generally not available due to the demand and some scalping shenanigans. But perhaps you’re lucky enough to walk into a store and buy one.
can you take a look at the some other
issue I had?