Low FPS in editor 5.3 with RTX 3090 and 5950X 4.3Ghz

Every example scene I open in the editor seems to be slow. FPS 20-30 and in cinematic mode 10-20 FPS. I have a 16-core 4.3 GHZ CPU and an RTX 3090. I know I can lower the resolution, but even then performance is still not good. Does anyone know what could be the problem?

I am using this free scene (for example): Will's Interior Lighting Demo Project - Free

Quality settings:

Cinematic 12 FPS
Epic 25 FPS
High 32 FPS

Can someone else test that scene with Cinematic quality? Thanks!

Could be literally anything. Just use the profiling tools, they’ll tell you exactly what is taking up all your frame time.

I’d start with the GPU profiler: ctrl shift ,

The problem is that I have it in most example scenes. Everything just feels too slow. And also the creator of this free file said he got 70 fps in Cinematic mode on a laptop. That would mean he was using the same settings as in the file and on Cinematic mode. If you have the time, could you maybe download the file and give it a try? If only I know if others are getting much better performance with these sample scenes then I know there is probably a problem with my setup.

Just test your setup.
If there is a problem a cpuple of minutes of running furmark will crash you.

Also any game you pick and install will run badly or crash. I doubt anyone doesnt have a game to install given epic gives them out for free…
Heck try fortnite.

As far the engine goes, you could have messed something up by doing things.

If you know you did - messing with enfine files, like the default skysphere or similar - then you will loose all changes when you do this, but verify the engine files to know you have everything on stock.

If you still get inexplicably low performance, but games run fine, then you must have some engine side setting toggled that did not change when veryfying engine files.

A 3090 should handle the engine, 10 open engine windows, and PIE on a 4k screen at around 30fps without batting an eye…

Part of the problem was my GPU thermal hotspot was 105C and caused thermal throttling. I applied new thermal paste to the GPU and there is no longer thermal throttling. Benchmark performance is now normal. But UE5.3 Editor still seems to run slower vs older versions.

That’s probably the engine and the default settings.

Epic loves to flux with users by not even bothering with performance management.

They simply keep releasing stuff thats worse and worse for performance.
By 2025 we’ll probbaly reach 5fps on a standard project in 1080p at this rate.

Also, it only gets worse. Never better;

In .25 you had up to I think 130fps for 4k, in .27 you got 20% less. In 5 you got close to 60% less… and at that point you just stop using their engine if you are a somewhat smart person…

Whats unexplicable to me is that Fortnite got the same performance falloff with the different engine version, but none of the pro player apparently give a f.lux about loosing 20% of their frames… or if they do they didn’t compain enough I suppose…

I have read on this forum that they used to upscale render passes in 5.2 but in 5.3 they render all passes at full resolution.