I’d like to make a total war style game with realistic amount of units (a lot more than TW).I know how to do that but what stops me from starting the project is that probably 250k actors can’t be placed without a huge hit on performance. I’m here to ask if someone knows a method to spawn very large amount of actors with a little performance hit.
Obviously I don’t want the same graphic quality from TW,I don’t mind if my units will be little rectangles,the important thing is that I can place a LOT more of them than TW games and coordinate them with an AI system.
Something like this?https://youtube.com/watch?v=XJQQMT1QQikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvcUKJ3WrGU
Not to get your hopes up but I have no idea.
The “Viscera Cleanup Detail” game had this problem. If there were too many blood decal actors spawned, it showed a warning message, and some actors were “disabled”.
You probably have to create “group” actors, so 1 soldier isn’t 1 actor but e.g. 10 soldiers = 1 actor.
Could be hard to programm though, dont know.
Woah this is exactly what I had on mind, but sadly I start thinking that UE4 is not made for this type of stuff
I thought about this yesterday.Basically doing something like this means that an actor has 10 indipendent component with different behaviour, yes it’s very hard to program I think especially on vanilla UE4.