Lost project

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Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



hey everyone, not too long ago i had made a map that took about month to make and finished it, i published a private version and I revision control on, which it should be automatically on. And then my PC got infected with viruses so i had to format it forgetting that i had a whole map made because i was in a panic, and formatted the pc. I don’t remember the name of the project either, so now i log into UEFN and cant find it anywhere, is there any way i can get the map back?

Steps to Reproduce

After formatting PC, files are not found in UEFN

Expected Result

I am meant to find the map in the UEFN account and continue editing it, and it should show as a privately published map in the creator portal.

Observed Result

The map does not show up on the UEFN account, nor does it show as a published private version.

