Hello, I have a problem with local files in the UEFN editor. For some reason I had to reset data on my computer’s C hard drive and it seems like some of my island files were in that path. That’s why I can’t access the island. I have several private versions and it is also published, this is the code (2373-1837-5868) I would like to know if there is any way to get the island back. Thanks and greetings.
This is what it tells me when selecting the map: “This project has been opened in the editor before, but the project data cannot be found locally. Regenerating the Creative island data will not include any changes you have made in the editor.”
If you regularly Check-in Changes and make snapshots with URC.
Close UEFN and use Windows Explorer to move the problem folders out of your Fortnite Projects folder and put them somewhere outside of the Fortnite Projects folder
Then when you open UEFN, it won’t find remnants of the project on your PC and will let you download the latest snapshot from URC.
Without URC situations like this become big problems.
Any projects you can access, go and Check-in Changes on them with URC as soon as possible.
Try and do it often, especially after doing a few hours of solid work.
You will probably have to regenerate the creative island data.
When you look with windows explorer, do you have any content in the islands folder or are they empty ?
If they’re empty your faced with redoing what you have done.
If there is content in your island folder, move it somewhere else, so when you regenerate the creative island data, you have an option to play around with it and see if you can copy the files back in… I don’t know maybe you could check the date created/modified and only copy those .UASSET files back in.
I think you could possibly copy the .UASSET files from those folders and paste them directly into the UEFN viewport
A bit wild but if you make an initial snapshot to revert to if things go wrong, and make a snapshot after each success, you might be able to restore some content if your lucky.