Hello, my name is Keith Johnson and i am working on my first modern survival game called Lost Alive. I have been working on this game for a few months alone with no help and was able to make it close to a public working build. In this game users will spawn in random places in the world and will be able to build their own civilization based off their surroundings.
For example, Team A will be able to do or create what Team B couldn’t because Team A is in the desert and Team B is in the snowy mountains. Each area will have something that another area doesn’t. These teams can either work together or fight, and take over each other’s territory. Of course, there is more than that. Mini games will also be implemented into the game and different contest.
As time go on, teams will be able to upgrade their equipment, buildings, weapons, and a lot of other important assets. For example, maybe they will have access to computers and be able to play games or do other things on an in-game PC. Or from wooden houses to brick houses.
This game is still in development. Soon I will post videos of some game play going into more detail about the game. I am still working hard to complete this assignment, and i would like to think the Lost Alive community for supporting the Lost Alive project.
Please like and share our Facebook group for more pictures, videos, and further updates.
Also please feel free to add my Skype if you like : Skeeta92