I was attempting to playtest my island with my daughter. I kept getting a network error lost connection to server. Every time I start the UEFN editor from inside Fortnite.
Steps to Reproduce
I Launch a Session. Once Fornite is open I exit to the Lobby. Click on UEFN Session then the play button. After the game starts loading the session I get an error message "There was a problem. Network Connection Lost.
Expected Result
I thought I was suppose to login into the UEFN hub to play test my game.
if you click on the middle of any of those thumbnails it should take you to the “Publishing” screen like this where you can manage “Public Releases”, “Playtests” and “Private Versions”
you will also have to create a team that isn’t just you, click on the down arrow and it will give you your option to create a new team