Looking to make a toggle for my FP and VR character

I’ve got a first person character and a VR character setup. Both work, but I was to be able to switch between the 2 when I want. I also want the characters to stay in the same place when swapping. Can you guys help?? This is what have so far in my FP character blueprint.

The VR and switching process is available in the Collab Viewer of the engine template for reference.

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Specifically, the ChangePawn function in /Game/CollaborativeViewer/UMG/GameMenu/NavigationButton handles the change.

The process flow of saving the Transform of the current Pawn, spawning a new Pawn with that Transform, and deleting the old Pawn is roughly the same as the attached implementation.

You can run PIE and confirm switching with P and I on the keyboard.

In addition, the Pawn for VR executes the EnableHMD function to switch to VR mode.
This is done with the following PossesedVRPawn function.

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Thanks so much for the response. I’m familiar with that way of switching. I’m talking about in game. I have a VR on with controls weapons and everything. I want to be able to push a button in game and go into VR if I want to, not just the viewport.