Looking for Resources for VR Development

Hi everybody, I have been working in UE4 with blueprints for a few months now getting the hang of how blueprints work. I have a few years of coding and game dev experience, so I’m not a complete noob. I am looking to make a useable lever in VR (similar mechanics would be door open, button push, pickup, etc). There are packs out there to provide these mechanics, but I find they aren’t very useful since the code is normally large and everything works specifically for their environment, making it hard to integrate into your own project (just my experience).

Are there any tutorials or video series that take you through how to implement a lever pull, door open, or anything? I would love for somebody to simply even walk me through their code or go through the process so I can understand the core things I need and how to integrate them into my project.

Side note - what is the best way to handle motion controller input in blueprints? I have seen some people grab all the inputs and store them in an interface immediately, which made sense to me. Then there are other ways like what the UE4 template does, which I personally don’t think is super great?

Thanks to anyone who reads/responds.

All the best,

I recommend you to download and study Mitcht’s VR Content Examples here: GitHub - mitchemmc/VRContentExamples: Unreal Engine 4 community VR content examples

They cover pretty much everything you are looking for and come with examples and videos. Mitch’s original VR series on YouTube, even though a little outdated now, is still a good learning resource.

If you are more into coding (C++) you can download and study Mordentral’s VR Expansion Plugin here: https://bitbucket.org/mordentral/vrexpansionplugin

About how to handle inputs, there is really no perfect way to do it. It depends very much on your application. Usually you will define your input Axis and Actions within the project settings and then use those events in your BP’s. That has the advantage that you can always change the input mapping through the settings without having to re-package the experience.

Thanks for the response Marco, I will be checking these out for sure!