Looking for Mask (RGB) node in UE 4.20


This may be a newbie request, but…

I just want to make a simple material to use with a post process volume. In the tutorial I am watching about a possible inventory system, this is part of the material BP the author shows to highlight a mesh when the player/character is near the mesh in question. But the guy in the tut is using a previous version of UE4. I use 4.20. I am looking for the equivalent to what he has here as the node indicated with the red arrow. Mask(RGB)? It doesn’t show up in my search, and I assume it has been changed somewhere along the line to v4.20.
Also, what might I plug into the alpha input of the lerp to make it work? A node and value for the node is what I think I am looking for. What he has to plug into that is a very long and complex BP section that I don’t want or need… it emulates cel shading. All I want is anything that will let me know there is interaction taking place between the player/char and the item.

I appreciate any help.

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Ok. Why won’t this compile?
How do I fix it?

All I am trying to do is highlight a mesh the character is looking at. Don’t care if it turns it purple! Just something to indicate it is the mesh currently selectable.

Component mask, setting on the left you can check B