Looking for Help with Custom Object Culling Tool


I currently work for a small indie group and they have an in-house culling tool to hide parts of a structure for people to look inside. Ive been pushing for a change but at the moment that will more than likely not be possible. Because of the tool, I need to adjust every mesh of structures to face the Forward X direction to be detected properly. Can anyone provide any suggestions on how to make this more modular so I don’t need to adjust the pivot of every object.

Here is the part of the code that controls the detection.

//check if these objects face the camera
float _relativeDirection = FVector::DotProduct(_SceneComponent->GetForwardVector(), GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->PlayerCameraManager->GetActorForwardVector());

if (_relativeDirection >= 0 || _SceneComponent->ComponentHasTag("Dollhouse_Always"))